February 28, 2008

Daily Greeting

This is how I'm greeted everyday after a long, lonely day:

February 14, 2008

A Few Of His Favorite Things

He’s absolutely fine today. You wouldn’t even know he had surgery yesterday. Starting “fights” with Kima, outside “woo-woo-wooing” and just standing at the window looking outside. Some of his favorite things…

He makes my heart melt every day, just being himself.

One Day After Surgery

And he even started it!!

Still The Cutest

Because apparently telling her once wasn't enough for me, I thought I'd continue to feed her already inflated ego. I mean really, don't you just want to eat her up in this video?

February 11, 2008


For Junior:
Yoon-your (like, with a Spanish accent and soft "J")
Mister Yoon

For Kima:
Bina (like, short for Bambina)
Boopy (like "puppy" with a drawn out "u". Which is actually poopie)

Just in case you were wondering.

On The Planet, I Say!

It has become clear to me that Kima is indeed the Cutest Puppy on the Planet as decreed by me, the obvious authoritative body on puppy cuteness.

Sure, she has a propensity to jump on me (a trait that I dislike) and pee on the furniture when we have guests (a trait that I despise.) Still, you can't possibly look at this face and not declare "Hot damn! You are the cutest puppy on the planet!" (That's right I used a double negative and YOU CANNOT STOP ME.)

And yes, that is the voice I use to speak to puppies. Don't judge me.